Cannes film festival. They advertise themselves on the Croisette

Cannes film festival. They advertise themselves on the Croisette
Cannes film festival. They advertise themselves on the Croisette

A fantastic open-air showroom, the Cannes Film Festival is an opportunity for some to show off or show off their product, their film, their invention… From the Barbie to the missing hamster, a quick overview.

At the Cannes Film Festival, there are those who are on the steps, those who are at the Film Market and those… who are on the Croisette as a sandwich man or woman to sell their film. Samuel Suchod, director of the film Giallo, Arancia con grana, tries to sell his feature film by presenting a poster to passers-by.

On the latter, there is a QR code which allows you to see the trailer.

It’s great, I don’t do much, I just stand there and people come to meet me.

Samuel Suchod, director

at France 3 Côte d’Azur

In just a few hours, a thousand people have already viewed its trailer. He hopes to find a distributor.

Here, it is a false announcement of the disappearance of a hamster which links to an online fundraiser for a project led by Americans from Chicago.

Any person can tell you that dating is hard. The endless scanning, the ghosting, the time spent color-coding every flag that comes your way, red, green, yellow, beige – now imagine all that while secretly being a hamster. In fact, there’s really only one thing harder than dating in 2024… making a movie.


Fake ad for real jackpot.

© Anne Le Hars Ftv

According to its author “This project embraces silly ideas that are often overlooked and allows diverse artists to present their artistic expression with humor and creativity. Despite what Hollywood would have us believe, movies can be strange, heartfelt, and fun. Adopting atypical ideas encourages original stories like this.”

Some entrepreneurs come to the Croisette to present their product. We were able to see scooter-suitcase-seat or burlesque artist Véruska Puff who presents one of the Barbies from Rosella Iobbi’s collection. This collector has more than 2,000 Barbies which she exhibits in a museum in Italy.

This influencer offers free (hair)cuts for the opportunity to show off her new brush.


She offers to have her hair done to sell her new brush.

© Aline Métal FTV

Everything is good to get noticed by the 80,000 festival-goers who flock during the 10 days of the festival. Everyone cherishes the hope of creating a buzz and finding professional opportunities.



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region