Alice Fizz weaves her musical universe with two voices

Alice Fizz weaves her musical universe with two voices
Alice Fizz weaves her musical universe with two voices

The Alice Fizz duo will be in concert on Friday October 18 at Épicènes, in Bizanos, opening for Nicolas Paugam. “A test concert”, for the French-speaking pop group from formed by Hervé and Cathy for six years.

“It’s a small victory to do a concert at Épicènes, which generally hosts theater,” smiles Cathy. We loved the place, which is housed in an old barn. If the concept works, we would like to set up an annual event that highlights French-speaking pop. »

Alice Fizz set up the event by asking Nicolas Paugam. “We met him three years ago at the Pingouin alternative, in Arthez-de-Béarn, and we really hit it off,” remembers Hervé. He makes music that is unlike anything else. Generally, people either like it or don’t like it. »

In the summer of 2024, Alice Fizz released a video for her track “Pause”. We discover a universe close to the groups Luke or Noir Désir. “We did all the music, each instrument, the arrangements,” says Hervé. A first stone in the perspective of an album whose recording is hoped for 2025.

“We have evolved a lot since our EP “Gris Nature” released in 2020, underlines Cathy. We sing in two voices. I now play guitar. » The two artists mix their influences to create the compositions. Hervé, 56 years old, leans more towards French song and progressive. Cathy, 38, loves film music.

A claimed independence

If Alice Fizz spends all her Saturdays refining her music and lyrics, the group claims its independence. Cathy is responsible for communications in a new technology company, Hervé works in agricultural research.

“Music is not our job. We are free to make our choices, to play for the causes that are close to our hearts,” explains Hervé. The group refuses to launch crowdfunding, and wishes to pay for the recording of its album with its performances. Alice Fizz usually plays once a month.

Concert by Nicolas Paugam and Alice Fizz, at Épicènes, 6 bis, rue René-Olivier in Bizanos. Prices: full, 16 euros; subscribers, 12 euros. Concerts start at 8:30 p.m.



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