this street artist pays homage to Michel Blanc

this street artist pays homage to Michel Blanc
this street artist pays homage to Michel Blanc


Maréva Laville

Published on

Oct. 9 2024 at 7:48 p.m

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It’s a little wink that has a positive impact. After the death of the famous actor Michel Blanc, known in particular for his role in The Bronzedthe artist Joël Martial, who is used to decorating the streets of Toulouse of his “Super-Baigneuse”, wanted to pay tribute to him in his own way.

Saturday October 5 evening and Sunday October 6 morning, he installed his female character, wearing her trusty swimming goggles and swimming cap, on the front of theAmerican Cosmograph.

Joël Martial, the artist behind the Super-Baigneuse in Toulouse, installed his street work this weekend, the day after the death of Michel Blanc. (©L’Affiche dans la Rue)

A necessary choice, for a cinema which, due to street art, was not warned of this unusual guest. “But they love it!” They follow up on everything relating to this installation,” rejoices Joël Martial, a loyal customer of the cinema.

The song by Jean-Claude Dusse

Especially since this time, the Super Bather sings the song. “When will I see you again jeee, wonderful country…” Do you have it? This is indeed the cult replica of Jean-Claude Dusse, sitting in his blocked chairlift in the middle of the night, in the film Tanned people go skiing.

“I’m 49 years old. He’s a movie character I grew up with. Michel Blanc is a favorite and popular actor in the eyes of the French. It was important to me to do this installation for him,” says the artist.

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A second tribute in the streets of Toulouse

Since he placed his posters in Toulouse In his free time, four years, the professional electrical works manager, simply paid tribute to two deceased celebrities: Sempé and Michel Blanc.

The rest of the time, his Super-Baigneuse further raises, and with mischief, the architectural aberrations of the Pink City, like the caesura on the sign for rue de , at the Saint-Sauveur port.

“It’s one of my oldest works. Like the one on Michel Blanc, it is painted on wood and hung with wire. She’s been there for two and a half years,” smiles Joël Martial. Will Jean-Claude Dusse’s response remain for so long?

“It no longer depends on me now,” replies the artist who, a minimacaptured the moment and published his work on his Instagram account The poster in the street.


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