Resist the devil! by David Nolent – Thought for the Day

Swave the scriptures

Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4.7

Through this verse, the Bible invites us to resist the devil, who is described by Peter as a roaring lion: “Be sober, watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8).

Many people, even among Christians, doubt the reality of his activity in this world. Charles Baudelaire even said: “The greatest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist. However, the devil is there. Like a lion, he prowls, roars and seeks prey.

One day, my wife came to pick me up at Charles-de-Gaulle airport. I had managed to save a place for him at the drop-off point. A man drove up and told me to leave because he wanted to park. I told him that I had reserved the place for my wife, who was nearby. He then started shouting at me, threatening me and bringing the car 10 cm closer to my legs to scare me. I showed him that I was not afraid and that I was determined. He ended up walking away, annoyed, grumbling.

It is an image of Satan. He was defeated by Christ on the cross. He can no longer touch us and can only roar to try to scare us and make us miss our destinies in Jesus Christ.

We must not give access to the devil, for example by letting anger burst out: “If you become angry, do not sin; let not the sun go down on your anger, and give not access to the devil“(Ephesians 4:26).

A couple must not give access to the devil by depriving themselves of each other for too long.
(1 Corinthians 7:5).

We must also not give access to the devil by leaving wounds unhealed. By not forgiving, we risk leaving gaps through which he could interfere in our lives.

To defend ourselves, the Bible encourages us to take “above all this the shield of faith, with which we’ll be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one !” (Ephesians 6:16).

Elisten to the voice of God

Do you sometimes feel like the devil is stronger than you? Take the time to listen to what God wants to say to you about this.

Praying is simple. Talk to God like you would your closest friend. God loves you and can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer: “Lord, you know me. You know that I don’t like to fight and that I am often afraid of others. I need your strength and courage to act with faith and determination, and resist the devil. Amen.

Louer God

Today you can thank God for everything you need to meet the challenges of your life (Ephesians 6). Praise Him, for He also equips you to resist the attacks of your soul’s adversary. It’s wonderful, isn’t it!

HASact today

Now dig deeper into what you have received. If you have not yet tested the spiritual weapons Paul spoke of to the Ephesians, you are challenged to dare to do so today. If you feel attacked, decide to take charge of the “shield of faith” and conquer your fears!

Hhonor the Lord

Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

​​My strength is in you, Lord ! So to you be the kingdom, the power and the glory, amen !”

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