Hatred of virility, at the heart of neofeminism

Hatred of virility, at the heart of neofeminism
Hatred of virility, at the heart of neofeminism

The Press has just devoted a file to the situation of young men. She worries about what happens to them.

At the heart of this concern: young men would be less sensitive than in the past to the discourse inviting them to “transform” themselves to become feminist-compatible.

In other words, they would refuse to let themselves be deconstructed, they would not be enthusiastic about the idea of ​​having a fluid identity. They would not be happy at the idea of ​​letting themselves be devirilized. They don’t want to become larvae.

  • Listen to the news review commented by Alexandre Dubé and Mathieu Bock-Côté via QUB :

We also demonize male desire. Would he not be guilty in himself and overcome by the temptation of rape?

Worse still, some would not adhere to the theory of systemic racism – because obviously a fully re-educated young man would adhere to the entire catechism of intersectional progressivism.

If I understand correctly, in the minds of re-educators, we should create little asexual creatures, always busy criticizing themselves, to the point of self-destruction. Because it’s self-destruction that we need to talk about.

Those who are resistant to this re-education will be accused of being under the influence of masculinist influencers brainwashing them.

Allow me to reverse the explanation: for me, barring exceptions, it is a young man who thinks he is a young woman, because the dominant ideology has convinced him that it is so, who is under control.

Photo Adobe Stock

For me, it is the young man who translates the identity discomfort of adolescence into the language of non-binarity which is under influence.

For me, it is the young white person who hates white people and who spits out all the fashionable discourse of the “decolonial” far left who is under the influence.


To young men, we must praise courage, effort, sacrifice, the duty to protect one’s own, heroism, the sense of collective belonging, elegance.

Above all, we must give them the courage to send their reeducators to pasture who seek to convince them that the evil is the male.



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