A terrifying concept! This Netflix thriller produced by Sam Raimi is going to be a hit

A terrifying concept! This Netflix thriller produced by Sam Raimi is going to be a hit
A terrifying concept! This Netflix thriller produced by Sam Raimi is going to be a hit

Netflix has released the trailer for “Don’t Move,” an upcoming thriller that promises to be terribly distressing. In it, a woman has 20 minutes to escape a killer before she is paralyzed…

Don’t Movea terrifying concept

A good concept in cinema can sometimes make the difference and give a feeling of renewal. A sentence can be enough to intrigue. For example, “a man picks up a phone in the street and is threatened by a sniper who is going to blackmail him” (Phone Game). Or “a man wakes up in a coffin with only a lighter and a cell phone” (Buried). We could similarly summarize Don’t Movean upcoming thriller whose the trailer was unveiled by Netflix (video on the front page of the article). From what we can gather from the promotional video, the concept here will be: “a woman (Kelsey Asbille) has less than 20 minutes to escape a serial killer, after which his body will be completely paralyzed“.

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Going further into the story, we discover that this woman was given a sedative, administered by the killer. This one not wanting to simply eliminate his victim, he sets up this morbid situation where the young woman, lost in the middle of the forest, must do everything to escape before it is too late. Only the more time passes, the more she will lose the use of her body. First of her hands, then, after 10 minutes, she will start to have ants in her legs and will soon no longer be able to walk. In the end, she won’t even be able to speak anymore.

A Netflix and Sam Raimi production

The idea of Don’t Move seems pretty awesome. We imagine that the pitch from directors Adam Schindler and Brian Netto was enough to convince Sam Raimi to participate as a producer. In front of this trailer, one naturally wonders how the film will hold up to approximately 1h30. What twists and turns will allow us to postpone what seems inevitable, namely the total immobilization of the victim? If we will have to wait to see the film to judge its quality, this concept promises in any case to keep subscribers of Netflix. There is no doubt that the feature film will succeed in attracting people. And we would not be surprised if it were a hit around the world when it was put online, next October 25th.



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