Faustine Bollaert bursts into tears on 2

Faustine Bollaert bursts into tears on 2
Faustine Bollaert bursts into tears on France 2

The host of “Ça commence aujourd’hui” on 2 was very moved by the testimonies of her guests.

This Friday, September 20, viewers of ” It starts today ” were able to discover a difficult subject about these families who lost someone during the holidays. It was at the end of the show that Faustine Bollaert could not hold back her tears.

In this issue, three women came to talk about the trials they have been through. The first, Stéphanie, lost her 16-year-old son in a skiing accident. The second person was Ludivine. Her partner was killed during a trip to North America. Finally, Blandine recounted the death of her mother by drowning.

They each recounted these tragedies but also their path to reconstruction. In this issue, Faustine Bollaert also got news from Jean-Marc, a father who had recounted the terrible accident experienced by his daughter, Jade, who was hit by a jet-ski. The latter came to assure us that things were getting better for his daughter: ” She has regained the use of speech, she is much better able to move her right leg (…) She has left the rehabilitation center ” he confides.

Also read
Faustine Bollaert arrives with a new daily meeting on RTL

Although Faustine Bollaert managed to hold on throughout the show, it was finally at the moment of closing that the emotion was too strong. Overcome by emotions, she collapsed in tears, unable to finish her sentence: ” I also have a thought for all those who are currently fighting… ” The host asked the show’s psychologist, Natacha Espié, to help her finish the show.

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