“He is very, very handsome”, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine “burned out”: her big crush on an athlete

The 2024 Olympics are over, but the excitement has not quite died down. Our gold medalists continue to make headlines, like Kauli Vaast, surfing champion, guest on the show It’s up to you from Tuesday, September 17.

Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine, the host of the show, drew up a glowing portrait of the young athlete. This earned him teasing from the other members of the group.

A good atmosphere on the set of C à vous

Like many other shows, the show It’s up to you returned on Monday, September 2, 2024. The team has not changed, the columnists are the same and Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine still hosts the programbroadcast on 2.

So this whole team gets along perfectly well and the good atmosphere is thereOn Tuesday, September 17, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine was subjected to (gentle) mockery from her colleagues, but the presenter did not let it happen by addressing a little tackle to her guest, the writer Amélie Nothomb.

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: “I’m getting ready to flirt with Kauli Vaast”

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her team were preparing to welcome Olympic surfing champion Kauli Vaast onto the set. “In a moment, Kauli Vaast”she announces, all smiles, winking to Isabelle Carré and Amélie Nothomb, also present. The actress reacted immediately: “You seem to like him.”and Mohamed Bouhafsi outbid: “All this because he is very very handsome, it is not only because he is an Olympic champion”.

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, half amused, half embarrassed, tried to create a diversion by addressing a little tackle to Amélie Nothomb: “Nothing at all, I am very professional, not like Amélie who was flirting with Pierre Niney! We all witnessed it, millions of viewers of C à vous!”. Isabelle Carré ended up confiding that it was difficult not to succumb to Pierre Niney’s charm, and the presenter finally admitted that she was about to flirt with Kauli Vaast.

The mea culpa of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine

A sequence that will have certainly amused viewers. A week before, on Monday September 10, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine had wished to apologize In It’s up to you. “Four words to say to you: good evening, well done, thank you, sorry!”she had declared. These words were addressed to Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and Thierry Reboul, the organizer of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, both invited that day.

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine apologizes in particular for having been one of those who criticized the organization of these Olympic Games. even before the start of the competition. “It’s that no one was able to imagine the magic of these Olympics before it became a reality. We were not able to imagine that, except you. You are superior beings.”she concluded.



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