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3-year-old girl abused by teacher: what we know

3-year-old girl abused by teacher: what we know

A preliminary investigation was opened on Tuesday, September 10, following a complaint filed by the parents of a three-year-old girl who was assaulted by her teacher, according to images that sparked a wave of indignation. ELLE takes stock of the case.

On Monday, September 9, a video showing a teacher violently hitting a crying little girl in the back in a nursery school in the 15th arrondissement of Paris was circulating on social media. The scene filmed dates back to September 5, and other incidents, dating from the 3rd, the day after the start of the school year, were also reported. According to the lawyer for the child’s family, Vanessa Edberg, the images were recorded by a mother who was present in the class.

According to the lawyer, the three-year-old girl was starting her first year of kindergarten and had previously told her mother about “hitting” her from the teacher. “The video was filmed while there was another mother, you can tell the teacher was holding back,” the lawyer said.

Vanessa Edberg told AFP that she filed a complaint on September 5 to denounce violence aggravated by three circumstances: against a vulnerable person, in a school establishment and perpetrated by a person carrying out a public service mission.

This complaint has given rise to the opening of a preliminary investigation, indicates the Nanterre prosecutor’s office, which should relinquish jurisdiction in favor of the Paris prosecutor’s office, which has territorial jurisdiction.

“I signed this (Tuesday) morning the suspension order of…

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