In Le Havre, Emmanuel Macron evokes a “new era” with a fragmented Parliament

In Le Havre, Emmanuel Macron evokes a “new era” with a fragmented Parliament

POLITICS – In Le Havre, Emmanuel Macron spoke of a “new era” with a divided Parliament, stressing the importance of compromises. He also showed himself open to a reform of the voting system.

Visiting Le Havre on Thursday evening for the commemorations of the liberation of the city, Emmanuel Macron spoke of a “new era” with a fragmented Parliament, saying he “hoped” that “compromises will be forged” between the different political forces in the formation of a government.

“We have a new era with a Parliament that represents France in its diversity and that will require compromises. It is up to the government to carry out projects, to pass laws, but also to administer. The president has his own skills,” explained the President of the Republic alongside Edouard Philippe, the mayor of the city and leader of the Horizons group.

“In contact with our compatriots”

Asked about his role in this unprecedented period, particularly with regard to Prime Minister Michel Barnier, the Head of State affirmed: “I am playing the role that I have always played, by being in contact with our compatriots.” “Afterwards, it is in the long term, in practice, that things will happen naturally. But I also hope that compromises will be made for the country because that is what we need,” he added.

He refused, however, to comment on his relationship with(…) - 20minutes

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