Intelsat Broadcasts Summer Games in Brazil with New Terrestrial IP Service

Intelsat Broadcasts Summer Games in Brazil with New Terrestrial IP Service

MCLEAN, Virginie, September 12, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Intelsat, operator of one of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial networks, has successfully delivered an innovative IntelsatOne IP hybrid service across two continents, seamlessly delivering live visual content from the iconic Paris Summer Games to Brazil.

“Broadcasters and programmers are looking for reliable, cost-effective alternatives to contribute and distribute video streams regionally and globally, including important content such as the Summer Games,” said Pascale Fromont, vice president and head of media at Intelsat. “Launching in 2023, IntelsatOne IP is uniquely designed to increase the reach and flexibility of Intelsat’s global hybrid media network, providing customers with more options for video distribution and contribution, as well as disaster recovery and backup systems.”

Intelsat demonstrated IntelsatOne IP’s capabilities as a disaster recovery service during the two-week Summer Games in Paris. To send live video feeds to a Brazilian broadcaster, Intelsat routed its secure and reliable transport feed to the IntelsatOne IP point of presence (PoP) in Paris. From there, the video was transferred over the IntelsatOne IP terrestrial network to Intelsat’s PoP in Rio de Janeiro, where it was delivered to the local production network. The customer reported lower latency and higher efficiency compared to sending content over the public Internet.

Fully integrated into Intelsat’s hybrid terrestrial and satellite infrastructure, IntelsatOne IP provides a new layer of software-based global IP video management to an existing terrestrial fiber network. This provides media customers with more connectivity options for content distribution. The versatility of IntelsatOne IP allows customers to distribute content over both terrestrial and satellite connections, while providing a backup or disaster recovery system.

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To learn more about IntelsatOne IP, click here.

About Intelsat

Intelsat’s global team of professionals is focused on delivering seamless and secure satellite communications to governments, NGOs and commercial customers through the company’s next-generation global network and managed services. Bridging the digital divide by operating one of the world’s largest and most advanced satellite fleets and connectivity infrastructures, Intelsat enables people and their devices to talk across oceans, see each other across continents and hear each other across the sky to communicate, cooperate and coexist. Since its founding six decades ago, the company has been synonymous with “firsts” in the satellite industry that serve its customers and the planet. Building on a legacy of innovation and focused on next-generation challenges, Intelsat’s team members are now focused on the “next firsts” in space as they disrupt the field and lead the industry’s digital transformation.

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Melissa Longo – [email protected] ; +1 240-308-1881


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