these therapeutic innovations which improve care

these therapeutic innovations which improve care

Operation Turquoise September has the merit of highlighting this cancer which mainly affects women over 60, when a cell of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the uterus transforms and multiplies in an anarchic manner until it forms a tumor. Age, heredity, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, Lynch syndrome, a history of female cancers, polycystic ovaries, etc., are multiple predisposing factors. At the first suspicious bleeding outside of menstruation, during perimenopause and after, it is essential to react in order to benefit from early treatment. Overview of therapeutic innovations with Professor Vincent Lavoué, gynecologist at the Rennes University Hospital.

There is no systematic screening for endometrial cancer, because the main symptom appears at a very early stage. In the event of bleeding outside of menstruation, several tests are necessary: ​​an ultrasound to identify a suspicious thickening, a hysteroscopy by inserting a mini-camera which also allows samples to be taken, an MRI if the cancer is confirmed to observe the extent of the tumor and possible metastases. For about ten years, thanks to progress in the molecular analysis of the tumor, we have been able to assess the nature and degree of aggressiveness of the cancer well in advance.

Once the diagnosis is made, the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed, most often by the minimally invasive technique (…)

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