Behind the scenes of the secret deal between Macron and Le Pen for the appointment of Barnier to Matignon

Behind the scenes of the secret deal between Macron and Le Pen for the appointment of Barnier to Matignon

We knew that he organized high-society dinners, but who would have thought that he was pulling the strings behind the scenes during the appointment of the Prime Minister? Facilitator, they said. Yes, Thierry Solère had Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella, Édouard Philippe and Sébastien Lecornu sit around the same table. But what we didn’t know was that he was also playing the role of go-between between the head of the RN and the President of the Republic. This liaison agent, close to the President, is not only “at the heart of the reactor” : he is the one who presses all the buttons.

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On Thursday morning, his name appeared on Marine Le Pen’s phone, sitting quietly at her desk at the RN headquarters. At that moment, the Élysée seemed stuck by the risk of censorship from the RN. At the beginning of the week, Xavier Bertrand, the best placed in the race for Matignon, saw Marine Le Pen’s thumb lowered to deal him a fatal blow. The message sent to Macron was clear: in the event of a right-wing Prime Minister, his approval was required. The Élysée had no choice but to find a deal. Michel Barnier’s profile then came back into the race. Judged “respectful” With regard to the RN, he will have his chance. This is what Marine Le Pen has decided.

Everything is going according to plan. On Wednesday evening, Barnier is “appointed”… But the next morning, a blunder disrupts the plan. Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN MP, lets loose and graces Michel Barnier with the charming adjectives of « fossil » and of“stupid politician”. At the Élysée, there is panic: out of the question to throw Barnier into the arena without the certainty that he will not be shot in the first few days. Did Marine Le Pen change her mind during the night?

Macron is wary. Enough to finally pick up the phone and call Le Pen directly.

Here is the story of this political episode, corroborated by several sources from both camps, within which others have been less inclined to testify: Emmanuel Macron sends Thierry Solère to Le Pen as a scout to take the temperature. At the RN, the atmosphere is electric. Jean-Philippe Tanguy is severely reprimanded. Le Pen is quick to reassure Solère, but Macron is wary. Enough to finally pick up the phone and call Marine Le Pen directly. Scalded, Macron demands guarantees. Le Pen demolishes Tanguy and sends him to make his mea culpa on the public service that same evening. The agreement is sealed: no censorship against Barnier before the general policy speech. The Élysée and the National Rally confirm discussions between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, but both deny any exchange last Thursday. However, neither party has commented on Thierry Solère’s role in these exchanges.

The left denounces a deal between Emmanuel Macron and the RN. The less severe, including in the ranks of Macronists, recognize a banal alliance of circumstance, a cliché of political theater. But let us not be under any illusions: this agreement will not last. Barnier will have time to find his bearings, to name his team… But the reprieve will end with the budget. The RN has no intention of supporting choices contrary to its doxa. Le Pen will not go so far as to associate herself, even passively, with the failure that she considers likely at the end of the five-year term.


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