steps, shelf life, age

steps, shelf life, age

Egg freezing, also called oocyte vitrification, is a fertility preservation technique that is attracting increasing interest. Whether for medical, personal, or professional reasons, many women are considering this option to postpone their plans for motherhood while maintaining a future possibility of conception.

But what are the steps in this process? How long can oocytes be stored? And at what age is it best to resort to them? Dr. Maxime Chaillot, medical gynecologist and assistant clinical head of hospitals at the Nantes University Hospital, takes stock of these key questions.

When you decide to freeze your eggs, you sometimes have to be patient before taking action. “At the Nantes University Hospital, the average time to get an appointment with a reproductive physician for a societal oocyte self-preservation request is 4 months. Once the first appointment has been made, the time to complete the self-preservation is approximately 12 months,” warns the specialist.

The egg freezing process involves several important steps that take place over a few weeks. “The process begins with a consultation in the reproductive medicine department,” explains Maxime Chaillot. “We assess the patients’ various histories, current treatments, as well as possible contraindications to the treatments (…)

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