South-Eastern Morocco hit by severe storms causing significant damage

South-Eastern Morocco hit by severe storms causing significant damage

Bad weather in the South-East of Morocco. Credit: DR/Facebook

Since Friday, the General Directorate of Meteorology (Maroc Météo) has placed around fifteen provinces on red and orange alert due to heavy thunderstorms and sometimes torrential rain, which have caused significant damage, particularly in the south-east of the country.

Ouarzazate, Tinghir, Boumalne-Dadès and the surrounding regions have suffered severe flooding of the previously dry wadis and heavy and intense rainfall accompanied by hail and gusts of wind after a particularly hot summer period.

According to the local press and images broadcast through social networks, many homes, businesses and basic infrastructure already weakened by the recent bad weather, were flooded by torrents of muddy water, causing significant damage to infrastructure.

Caught off guard by the violence of the storms, residents had to evacuate their homes for fear of being swept away by the surge of water.

Local authorities, in collaboration with civil protection services, are taking emergency measures to assist the victims, despite the impassable state of some of the broken roads. Rescue teams are being deployed in the most affected areas to provide them with subsistence foodstuffs and drinking water, while evacuation plans are being put in place.

Local populations are urged to exercise extreme caution. They are asked to avoid going near wadi beds and scree. Temporary reception centres have been improvised for people who no longer have access to their homes.

Maroc Météo has warned that these bad weather conditions, including thunderstorms accompanied by hail and strong gusts of wind, are still expected this Sunday.

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