Emily Loizeau borrows “La Souterraine” nicely

Emily Loizeau borrows “La Souterraine” nicely

The new album by singer, songwriter and composer Emily Loizeau is released today, The Underground is to be discovered in Musicaline.

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Emiliy Loizeau, the finest flower of French song, is back. The Franco-British singer has been accompanying our lives since her first album in 2006 with her delicate tone and poetic ballads. “Here begins the sea” extract from his new album, shows how much Loizeau has taken flight and created a link with his previous album Rentreleased in 2021. Emilie Loizeau invites on what seems to be the sequel, a production genius; John Parish, collaborator of PJ Harvey or Dominique A. On the road to Venus, Emilie Loizeau appears, to free us from everything that alienates us.

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To follow Venus, that is to say, to choose love, in all relaxation, whistling at the top of one’s voice, this refrain that sounds like music by Ennio Morricone. Even there, Emily Loizeau manages to mark our minds with a refrain propelled by her breath.

What does “La Souteraine” refer to?

It’s a whole process that requires courage and patience:“La Souterraine is a record that attempts to trace the path of a long quest for love in the middle of a world in disarray,” Emily Loizeau tells us. “It’s a journey woven with violence and rage, but also with desperate and determined hope.”

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The Undergrounda long road paved with obstacles therefore, until the comforting and liberating light of peace and love.

The UndergroundEmily Loizeau’s new album is out today.

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Lecture listen 54 min


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