We read the funny news under “Control” of the CAF by Olivier Liron

We read the funny news under “Control” of the CAF by Olivier Liron

ABSURD – The short story “Control” by Olivier Liron is published in September 2024 in the Vrilles collection of the Zone Critique magazine

Marceline Bodier, bookstagrammer and contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group, recommends “Control” by Olivier Liron, whom she interviewed. His short story is published on September 6, 2024 in the Vrilles collection of the Zone Critique magazine.

His favorite quote:

Through a common writer’s fault, incapable of experiencing reality other than through the prism of the story I can tell about it, I thought: “One day, I will tell in a book that, that day, my mother took me in her arms, for the first time in a long time.”

Why this book?

Because that after having told the story, In Einstein, Sex and Me, of his victorious participation in the TV game show Questions for a champion, The author returns this time to the day the book was released. At the time, Olivier Liron was an extra in films while receiving RSA, and had to go to the CAF to repay his debts following the check that an agent had come to do several months earlier to verify that he was “really poor”. “Fortunately, my solitude was in order”, he reassures himself. But alas… who could have predicted the extravagant level of zeal of his visitor?Because I rediscovered originality with great pleasure by Olivier Liron: words that mix humor (…) - 20minutes


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