After Barnier’s appointment to Matignon, “we must rebuild Macronism on the left” for Dominique Villemot

After Barnier’s appointment to Matignon, “we must rebuild Macronism on the left” for Dominique Villemot

INTERVIEW – Dominique Villemot, president of the think tank Démocratie Vivante, which brings together “left-wing Macronists”, acknowledges the end of Macronism as it has existed since 2017, with the appointment to Matignon of Michel Barnier, clearly positioned on the right. For 2027, he calls on the forces of the centre-left to rally behind three potential candidates: Gabriel Attal, Élisabeth Borne and Bernard Cazeneuve.

The left-wing Macronists are orphans. With the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon, the invented “at the same time” the president is making a new spectacular shift to the right. Long close to François Hollande, the lawyer Dominique Villemot leads this movement of “left-wing Macronists”, at the head of the think tank Démocratie Vivante. And he has long hoped for a grand coalition led by Bernard Cazeneuve, the former Prime Minister of François Hollande.

Read alsoMichel Barnier appointed Prime Minister: the reasons behind Emmanuel Macron’s choice

The arrival of a clearly right-wing Prime Minister is a cold shower. For the one who theorized the movement created by the president in his book What is Macronism? (L’Harmattan), a page is turning. Today he advocates rebuilding this movement by bringing together all the forces of the center-left. Interview.

Challenges – With the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon, is this the end of Macronism?

Dominique Villemot – A page is turning. Macronism was about “at the same time”, protecting and freeing. Michel Barnier has never been a Macronist. He is a man of the right. It will not be a real cohabitation but a coexistence, with different visions. Moreover, Renaissance, the presidential party, has distanced itself from the new Prime Minister. But the most annoying thing is that Michel Barnier’s government will only survive if the National Rally wants it to. With such a configuration, we are far from Macronism.

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What is Emmanuel Macron’s responsibility?

His dissolution of the Assembly has especially harmed the Macronists and himself. He still had three years to preside and reform. He no longer has them. Above all, Emmanuel Macron was elected twice against Marine Le Pen. Today, it is she who has the keys and can bring down her Prime Minister. It is a failure.

Read alsoDissolution of the National Assembly: Emmanuel Macron’s presidential pride

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