We read “In the Shadow of Things”, the first novel by Anatole Edouard Nicolo

We read “In the Shadow of Things”, the first novel by Anatole Edouard Nicolo

LITERARY BACK TO SCHOOL – “In the Shadow of Things” by Anatole Edouard Nicolo was published in August 2024 by Calmann Levy

Christian Dorsan, author, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group, recommends “A l’ombre des choses” by Anatole Edouard Nicolo, published on August 21, 2024 by Éditions Calmann Levy.

His favorite quote:

The older I got, the less interested I was in school. Being a clown in class wasn’t enough of an adrenaline rush, and I was getting too many hours of detention. I needed to take the next step. Into the street. Bullshit? Yes, small ones. The kind that could get us into trouble but still made us laugh.

Why this book?

Because growing up in a medium-sized town with a musician father who lives in a squat and a mother who has taken refuge in social housing to start a new life, it is growing up with other references, other standards than the others: “Anatole, never forget that messy people are the most talented”. The two brothers will live their lives freely.Because even if things are looking bad for Anatole who will experience the juvenile court, he will meet on his way a caring and loving man, who will reveal him to writing. As for his brother, it is rap that will help him. Family holds an important place and apart, they love each other in their own way.

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot. Two f(…) - 20minutes

Also read:
We delved into Pascal Marmet’s “Criminal Seine”
We read “The Cypresses of Patmos” by Antoine Silber
We read “The Earthmovers’ Daughter” by Guillaume Clicquot, who wants to “abolish social barriers”
We read “Damned French!” by Carl Pineau
We read “Comedy in the Basement” by Sylvain Chantal
We read “The Last Tea of ​​Master Sohô” by Cyril Gely
We read “Blue Moon” by Mariem Raïss


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