If the end of year celebrations are synonymous with celebrations, the fact remains that these times are just as favorable for the spread of certain viruses. Indeed, according to a study made public this Friday, January 3, 2025, health professionals affirm that holiday periods encourage the circulation of viruses such as influenza, bronchiolitis, even nasopharyngitis among others, due to family gatherings.
The end of year celebrations are times for large gatherings of family or friends. Anything that increases the risk of contracting viruses which generally travel through the air, as doctors point out, due to the increasing number of interactions. « In the context of gatherings during the end-of-year holidays, and in addition to existing vaccinations and preventive treatments, the adoption of barrier gestures remains essential to protect against all diseases. » advise health professionals.
Be careful during the end-of-year holidays
Among the viruses that very often affect populations are influenza, bronchiolitis and nasopharyngitis. A situation which can be explained by climatic factors as recalled by the nursing staff, but above all by the decline in barrier gestures which allows viral infections to make a comeback. For the case of Gabon, an observation is visible that more and more people, particularly children, are showing symptoms of these acute viral diseases of the respiratory tract according to some specialists. However, it is important to remember that respiratory pathologies, although of viral origin in the majority of cases, heal naturally within a few days.
Therefore, health personnel urge people not to practice self-medication, but rather to ensure the application of the recommendations made by medical specialists. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the small bronchi that allow air to flow through the lungs. Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses. It is common around the world and most patients recover without treatment. Nasopharyngitis is a mild infection.