We all want to start the year by often making too many good resolutions full of injunctions and impossible to keep. We see that at the beginning of January everyone signs up for the gym. They will be shielded for the first weeks and then come February, there will be no one left. However, it only takes 150 minutes of physical activity per week to prevent 19 chronic diseases, or just under three hours of physical activity per week.
Researchers from the University of Iowa in the United States examined responses to questionnaires from nearly 7,000 patients. According to the study, people who practice 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity, compared to those who are more sedentary, have a lower risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, and other diseases. respiratory and even certain cancers.
It would only be enough to indulge in 10 minutes of brisk walking in the morning and evening to obtain the benefits described in the study. We are talking here about moderate to intense physical activity. Moderate activity is one where you can talk eventually, but not sing. Intense physical activity is when you cannot speak because the effort is so great.
For those who find that moderate activity is too difficult to adopt, remember that classic walking is also an ally in favor of your good health.
In summary, the best resolution you can make for 2025 and all the years to come both to take fewer medications, but also to live better and longer, is simply to move more!
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