Thursday, December 26, a young woman died at the Émile-Roux hospital in Puy-en-Velay following an “invasive meningococcal W infection”, more commonly called meningitis, as confirmed to us by the ARS (regional agency health) Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes, which followed this fatal case revealed by our colleagues from La Tribune – le Progrès. “The people concerned, having been in contact with the deceased person, were informed and received preventive treatment as provided for by the procedure in force in the context of this notifiable disease” details the ARS. “The closest contacts also benefited from vaccination” even if it is “very rare for a case to occur among the relatives of a patient”.
Aged 32, the victim lived on Route des Baraques, in the village of Tallobre, in the commune of Saint-Christophe-sur-Dolaizon.
“We plan for everything, except dying at 32”
To support the relatives of the young thirty-year-old who died suddenly at the Puy hospital, an online fundraiser was opened on the Tribee platform to help finance the funeral. “We plan for everything except dying at 32. We must help those close to us to give Samantha a last moment worthy of her,” explains an acquaintance of the victim on the online platform. The funeral will take place on Saturday January 11 in Clermont-Ferrand.
The ARS recalls that in this case of meningitis: “transmission of this bacteria can only occur in the event of direct, face-to-face, close, prolonged (more than an hour) contact with the patient, within 10 days preceding diagnosis. » The regional health agency also observes “an upsurge in invasive meningococcal infections in the Aura region and in France as a whole since 2022. It could be explained by the resumption of the transmission of meningococci in a population with reduced immunity given less exposure to meningococci during the Covid-19 period. »
Finally, the ARS emphasizes that “vaccination is now recommended for all adolescents aged 11 to 14”.