what weather and temperatures on Thursday January 2?

Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special -​Presse page.

Today, the good weather will heat up the atmosphere.

Today, Thursday January 2

Today, the blue sky will illuminate the city of Nice. We will flirt with 11°C. Temperatures will be around 9°C in the morning. The air will warm up in the afternoon with a rise in the mercury, possibly reaching 10°C or 14°C. The city will experience several clearings during the evening. The lowest temperature will be 9°C and the highest 10°C. The moon will certainly light up the sky and make you appreciate a cloudless night.

Weather forecast in Nice tomorrow

The sun will triumph the next day. It will be a minimum of 7°C and a maximum of 12°C. A light northwest wind, blowing at 10 km/h, will dominate. The thermometer will approach 9°C in the morning. The afternoon weather report will give us values ​​that will range between 10°C and 12°C. In the evening, the clouds will sometimes give way to some clearer weather. Outside temperatures will be approximately 9°C.

Weather in Nice for the next few days

Average values ​​will be 7°C for the following days, with little change in the weather.



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