the UFSBD calls for a national plan

the UFSBD calls for a national plan
the UFSBD calls for a national plan

Committed for 60 years, the UFSBD (the French Union for Oral Health) is mobilizing so that prevention in oral health becomes “a priority of the health system and the daily lives of the French».

Oral health, an “essential aspect of health” according to the WHO

High prevalence of oral diseases worldwide

In its press release of November 22, the UFSBD recalls that the prevention of oral health is a major health issue. And for good reason: oral and dental conditions affect nearly 3.5 billion people worldwide, and one in two adults in Europe. They thus anticipate cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even cancers.

Source : UFSBD

Oral health prevention relegated to the background in

Faced with this observation, the UFSBD is saddened by the little place given to oral health in the French health system. The association regrets that the use of care takes precedence over preventive actions, and warns of “the inability of public health policies to plan in this area, favoring access to conservative care rather than the fight against the origin of these pathologies».

According to the UFSBD, “qFour out of five French people do not have annual follow-up and are unaware of the impact of oral health on their overall health».

Four proposals from the UFSBD to better integrate prevention into oral health

1. Build a national oral and dental prevention plan throughout life

The UFSBD proposes to include in this plan, with stakeholders, awareness campaigns to “change the behavior of the general public“. Then, to set up a national group dedicated to oral health, with a referent, to “monitor and manage all measures to be carried out by public authorities».

2. Facilitate access to dental products

The association suggests reducing VAT on dental products, while an IFOP survey shows that a quarter of French people have given up hygiene products because of inflation. In addition, it recommends aligning the fluoride level of toothpastes with international recommendations.

3. Integrate oral and dental prevention into “Aging well”

The UFSBD encourages the integration of oral and dental prevention into the “Aging Well” strategy. The association recommends an EBD at 65, 70 and then every year, to raise awareness among seniors to preserve their autonomy, and to promote cross-functionality among caregivers.

4. Integrate oral and dental prevention into public policies on disability

The association also advocates for better oral health care for disabled people, whose risk of carious lesions is increased, with adapted measures at home and in specialized establishments.

Last July, the UFSBD presented its brand new associative program 2024 – 2027 in order to promote dental health for all.



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