This text is published in the Youth page, composed of articles written by young people from the region on themes that they choose freely.
At the Jura hospital, the obesity center sets up multidisciplinary monitoring ranging from psychologists to nutritionists.
For children and adolescents, doctors from the Basel Children’s University Hospital (Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel) take care of consultations at the Mediped center at the Jura Hospital in Delémont, including Doctor Fabien Claude. Encounter.
Obesity is increasing around the world, especially in the West. Can we say that Switzerland is following this trend?
Indeed, we observe that the number of overweight or obese people has doubled over the last thirty years, reaching 43% of Swiss people in 2022. So yes, our country is not immune to the trend.
As for children and adolescents, the percentage seems to have more or less stabilized recently. According to Promotion Santé Suisse, around 15% of Swiss students are overweight or suffer from obesity.