Having irregular sleep increases the risk of developing these diseases, study finds

Having irregular sleep increases the risk of developing these diseases, study finds
Having irregular sleep increases the risk of developing these diseases, study finds

Researchers have studied thetime a person goes to bed and gets up and found that not keeping a regular time increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart failure by 26%, even for those who get a full night’s sleep.

Sleeping 8 hours a night is not enough to offset the effects of irregular sleep

“You need to sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night.” Validated by many specialists, this recommendation is not enough for the night to be truly beneficial. In any case, this is what researchers demonstrated in a new study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Their research results revealed that irregular sleep, i.e. go to bed and wake up at different times each daywas “strongly associated” with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. According to experts, even eight hours of sleep is not enough to offset the harmful effects of varying bedtimes and wake-up times.

Participants followed for 8 years

The research involved 72,269 people aged 40 to 79 from the UK Biobank study. To obtain the results, participants wore an activity tracker for seven days so experts could record their sleep and calculate a sleep regularity index (SRI) score for each person. They…

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