You shouldn’t make your bed in the morning, and a doctor says so

You shouldn’t make your bed in the morning, and a doctor says so
You shouldn’t make your bed in the morning, and a doctor says so

While the TikTok platform is full of tips and tricks of all kinds, for some time doctors have also been taking over the social network in order to inform users. Smoking, gynecology or even bed linen! And according to a famous cardiologist, it would be very dangerous to make your bed when you wake up in the morning.

Unknown harmful consequences according to Doctor Louis Bendayan

Our parents almost all hammered into us that he was a capital importance to make your bed every morning. Before leaving the house, it had to be squared under penalty of reprisals. Associated with an act of cleanliness, dress the bed to the nines as soon as you wake up would however have unrecognized harmful consequences.

Indeed, as reported by our colleagues from the famous newspaper Closercardiologist Louis Bendayan warned his subscribers about this fairly common practice. In the title of a recent video, millions of followers The doctor’s comments were: “The lazy people will be happy! Don’t make your bed in the morning !”

“Millions of mites sleep with you”

And for good reason, according to the doctor, it is necessary wait several hours and air the room properly before closing the sheets and duvet cover. “Your health will thank you, because even if you don’t have a partner, know that you don’t sleep alone ! Indeed, there are millions of mites who sleep with you.”, he continued in the rest of his video.

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A sheet closed too early would be more likely to retain heat and moisture. Which would greatly contribute to the development of mites in the bed. The latter feed on dead cells, which fall naturally, especially during the night. This proliferation is increased in case of poorly washed sheets or closed too quickly.

Air out your room before making your bed

In addition to change your sheets once a week by washing them at least at 60°, it would be essential towait several hours and to properly ventilate your bed before making it again. Under penalty of significant risks for health.

Among these risks, the doctor explains: “They can cause dermatological problemsallergy and even asthma.” This is clear and should be encouraging. the most manic to wait a few hours before tidying up the room.



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