“60 million consumers” reveals the best repellent

“60 million consumers” reveals the best repellent
“60 million consumers” reveals the best repellent

In its July-August 2024 issue, the magazine “60 million consumers” tested 15 products from the brands Cinq sur cinq, Insect Ecran, Autan, Puressentiel or Moustifluid, to find out which one was the most effective. These are mostly sprays, easier to find than lotions or creams.

According to the consumer association, products based on IR3535 and DEET, synthetic molecules often used, offer the best duration of protection. But, as “60 million consumers” points out, the active ingredient is not everything, since “between two products based on IR3535 concentrated at 20%, one protects a little more than eleven hours while the other only protects eight and a half hours”.

And the risks?

The magazine’s test also looks at the risks associated with using the repellent, which are, according to the site, often irritating to the eyes and certain active ingredients can have effects on plastic: “DEET also has the disadvantage of melting plastics,” explains the article. “The smell can also be a selection criterion: products based on DEET, like those of plant origin, can have an unpleasant scent. IR3535 is odorless.”

Finally, 60 million consumers also specify that these active ingredients, although they do not present major risks, are not trivial and the user must respect the recommended quantities.

And the result then?

The magazine is unequivocal, of the 15 products tested, the best result is obtained by the product Cinq sur cinq spray famille in 100 ml which obtains the score 16.8/20. It is followed by Moustifluid spray high protection for risk areas with 16.4/20 and Mousti KO with 15.5/20.



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