Can you die from Parkinson’s disease?

Can you die from Parkinson’s disease?
Can you die from Parkinson’s disease?

tremors which affect 70% of patients. They occur at rest and mainly affect the upper limbs; akinesia: it is a slowness in the execution and coordination of movements. This symptom mainly affects walking; hypertonia which is characterized by strong rigidity of the limbs.

The disease progresses through several stages that reflect its severity. It progresses from a first stage where clinical signs do not interfere with daily life (this is stage I) to a final stage where autonomy is lost and walking is impossible (stage V).

A disabling disease

Contrary to what one might believe, we do not, strictly speaking, die from Parkinson’s disease. As the Parkinson Canada association explains, “the disease does not reduce life expectancy. However, as one gets older and the disease progresses, the risks increase. So, poor balance can lead to falls. And swallowing problems, if neglected, can degenerate into pneumonia. » This is called aspiration pneumonia. It is caused by the aspiration of food which travels down the respiratory tract, gets stuck there and causes infection.

This is why Parkinson’s disease requires ongoing vigilance and management to maintain the best possible quality of life.

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