This sport neglected for several years is back for summer 2024 (it will tone your entire body)

Need to tone your entire body? A sport that has been somewhat forgotten in recent years is making a comeback for summer 2024. A new idea for physical activity.

Looking for inspiration to find a new sport? For weight loss, an activity between walking and cycling makes you burn more calories. For fitness, you can do simple stretches and exercises at the office. But what to do during the holidays? To do sport at home, 5 habits can help firm up your figure after 50. And A sport neglected for years is making a comeback this summer 2024.

Popular in the 2010sit is making a comeback and tones your entire body. It is true that it is necessary to be healthy to include physical activity in your habits, just like a healthy and balanced diet. We must compensate for a sedentary lifestyle, especially at work, and the processed products that we consume regularly. Here is an idea for a change from Nordic walking or jogging.

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This sport that tones the whole body

To make sure you don’t give up too quickly, it’s important to choose your sport wisely. It must be adapted to your needs, your goals and your abilities, but it must also please you, to maintain your motivation. Because the important thing is to be regular. Don’t hesitate to try things out to find the activity that suits you best.

And why not try this type of yoga which has become very popular over the last decade? Hot yoga was very trendy then, and it is becoming so again. What does it consist of ? These are sessions carried out in a hot and humid environmentwhich promotes sweating. The temperature of the room is between 28 and 38°C. This challenges your body, which is pushed higher than with classic yoga.

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Hot yoga, a variation to try

A hot yoga class lasts approximately 1 hour. It allows you to sweat (and therefore detoxify) but alsoimprove your flexibility and core strength. The body is toned, and the mind relaxed by this activity. The latter also allows you to better regulate your blood sugar, which is reinforced if you also take care to eat well.

Hot yoga also helps stimulate blood circulation. According to the website DecathlonIt is Bikram Choudhury who was the first teacher to try the experience of yoga in a heated room. It was in the 1970s. He is also the “inventor” of Bikram yoga, which is a variant and imposes “the same sequence of 26 postures in each class”. It lasts 90 minutes and is done at a temperature of 40 °. Other styles like Forest yoga or and Moksha yoga take over this heated environment. Hot yoga practices a traditional style like Hatha, Vinyasa or Yin yoga at high temperatures. Activities which are respectful of each person’s body shape and health concerns and which therefore do not present any contraindications.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…



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