Back pain: study recommends walking to combat lower back pain

Back pain: study recommends walking to combat lower back pain
Back pain: study recommends walking to combat lower back pain

Walking may be an effective way to combat relapses of lower back pain, according to a recent study.

The study published in the journal “The Lancet” by Australian researchers from Macquarie University in Sydney recommends exercise to prevent any relapse of lower back pain.

More than 700 Australians, including 565 women, who had recovered from non-specific lower back pain took part in the study, which said participants were followed for 12 to 36 months.

The participants, with an average age of 54 years, were split into two groups, one of which benefited from a walking and education intervention accompanied by six physiotherapy sessions over six months, while the other other cohort had not received any treatment.

The results of the study demonstrated that the time to relapse of pain in the area concerned was longer in the first intervention group since it reached 208 days, while in the control group the time was 112 days. .

If in 2020, lower back pain affected some 619 million people worldwide, it could affect up to 843 million people in 2050, according to the authors of the study, lower back pain is more common in women.



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