Hollande, Borne, Ruffin, ministers in danger and a quadrangular… The hot spots of the second round

Hollande, Borne, Ruffin, ministers in danger and a quadrangular… The hot spots of the second round
Hollande, Borne, Ruffin, ministers in danger and a quadrangular… The hot spots of the second round

There were 24 of them on the starting line, how many will there be at the finish? The ministers of the Attal government are risking a lot in the second round.

Prime Minister on probation, Gabriel Attal has nothing to fear, a priori, in his constituency of Hauts-de-Seine where he is facing a candidate from the New Popular Front.

Several ministers are well on their way to saving their seats thanks to the withdrawals of the left. This is the case of Gerald Darmanin in the North, even if the Minister of the Interior only has a little less than two points ahead of his RN competitor after the first round.

In Paris, Stanislas Guerini is ten points behind an environmentalist candidate and is very likely to be beaten. Against the RN, Agnes Pannier-Runacher is also in danger.

Four of them have already had to withdraw to block the RN: Fadila Khattabi, Marie Guévenoux, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache and Dominique Faure, despite uncertainty until Tuesday midday for the latter, who had previously announced her continued participation.

Ruffin still believes in it

He has come a long way but continues to believe in a “miracle”. François Ruffin, a free electron of the left running in the Somme, has a seven-point deficit to make up against an RN candidate. “There is no inevitability,” says the former journalist, who has been tirelessly crisscrossing the Abbeville area for several days.

The leader of the microparty Picardie Debout, invested by La France insoumise despite his distancing from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, received the very clear support of Albane Branlant, the Macronist candidate who withdrew in his favor immediately after the first round.

Olivier Marleix, the Republican saved by the left?

With a score of 10% at the national level with their various right-wing allies, Les Républicains have resisted well the rallying to the RN of their president Éric Ciotti. But will they have the same group leader in the future Assembly?

In Eure-et-Loir, Olivier Marleix is ​​indeed in difficulty after a mixed first round (25.93%). Olivier Dubois, RN candidate, is well ahead with more than 38% of the vote.

The leader of the LR deputies came very close to the correctional against the left, which he only beat by 153 votes. Despite this small gap, the socialist candidate Nadia Faveris withdrew in favor of the candidate of the right. Enough to win?

François Hollande, one step away from the Assembly

The first constituency of Corrèze is in the spotlight, with the candidacy of François Hollande, in a favorable ballot in his stronghold of Tulle. The former President of the Republic is battling in a three-way race against the RN and the outgoing LR Francis Dubois, supported by the presidential camp. The latter called on the Corréziens to “beat François Hollande and the far left” and therefore refused to withdraw.

But the first round scores, with 37.63% of the votes for the former head of state, 30.89% for the RN candidate Maïtey Pougey and 28.64% for Mr Dubois, seem to suit the socialist.

What role will he have in the Palais Bourbon? In the case of an “ungovernable Assembly, I think that the role of personalities like me, given the functions that I have occupied, will be to find solutions,” he warned in recent days.

Terminal and voice reports

This time, Élisabeth Borne is not playing for her future against a motion of censure, but against the RN, which came eight points ahead of her in Calvados. Noé Gauchard, the rebellious NFP candidate, withdrew in her favor, but will the transfer of votes be systematic in favor of the former Prime Minister, reviled for having carried the pension reform in 2023?

“I assume that we are going to save Mrs Borne,” said PS leader Olivier Faure on Sunday evening, while acknowledging that “many” would criticise the left for this decision.

A four-way match

A very rare scenario in the Rhône, where four candidates are still in the running in a four-way race that could work to the benefit of the far right if no one withdraws in the final sprint before the deadline for submitting applications on Tuesday evening.



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