Here is the only effective natural mosquito repellent according to the UFC-What to choose

Here is the only effective natural mosquito repellent according to the UFC-What to choose
Here is the only effective natural mosquito repellent according to the UFC-What to choose

The sun has barely set up its summer quarters when invasions of tiger mosquitoes are already announced in a large number of departments. This expected proliferation of mosquitoes is quite simply due to the unusual weather of recent months. The particularly rainy spring increased the number of stagnant water points in which the females came to lay their eggs and the return of heat allowed the eggs to hatch and the tiger mosquitoes to continue to multiply. So it’s high time to get out the mosquito repellents! And to help us avoid the bites of these insects, UFC Que Choisir has tested more than 30 products to apply to the skin, to spray, to diffuse or to burn. So many solutions that allow you to protect yourself “but which are not all equally effective”, insists the Consumers’ Union.

Repellent or insecticide product: which to choose?

“There are two main categories of mosquito repellent products: repellentsintended to keep them away, and insecticides, whose mission is to kill them. Their functions are complementary, so it is useful to have both on hand when you are in an infested area” explains the UFC What to choose. Knowing that a female mosquito can lay eggs up to 5 times 200 eggs either 1000 eggs throughout its two months of life, the joint use of the two products may quickly prove necessary (…)

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