an ally for the heart

an ally for the heart
an ally for the heart
The benefits of monounsaturated fats
At a time when “fake news” about food sometimes influences our choices (“thank you” social networks), recent studies and nutrition experts point out that avocados mainly contain monounsaturated fats (5g for one). third of avocado of 50g), beneficial for heart health.

In fact, a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that these fats can help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, both linked to too high a level of “bad” cholesterol and often to obesity.

Also, consumed in moderation, these green fruits provide many nutritional benefits and help manage weight. A study of 105 overweight or obese adults showed that eating one avocado per day for 12 weeks can positively redistribute abdominal fat in women.

Read also: avocado can help you get through menopause

The false reputation of the lawyer
Generally speaking, avocados are often frowned upon because of their fat content. Although they are indeed rich, it is important to know that they contain little saturated fat (1g for a third of a 50g avocado), often considered “bad” because they can increase LDL cholesterol.

The WAO survey also revealed that 12% of French people think that avocados can make you gain weight, 10% of Europeans think the same thing.

However, it is important to distinguish the counting of calories and the quality of the latter, as well as the nutrients and vitamins they contain. Avocados don’t directly cause weight gain, they just contain a few more calories than other fruits.

For example, half an avocado has about 114 calories, compared to 95 for an apple.

The lawyer, a supercharged ally
Little is known, but avocados are a valuable source of vitamins C, K and B, minerals, fiber, potassium (40% more than bananas!) and antioxidants, making them an excellent component of a balanced diet.

The energy provided by avocados is long-lasting and beneficial, unlike empty calories from sugary snacks and processed foods.

Avocados are an incredibly nutritious food that should be embraced, not avoided says Kerry Torrens, Certified Nutrition Expert.

And to continue: “ The monounsaturated fats in avocados are great for heart health, support our energy levels and help manage appetite and curb cravings, which can contribute to better weight management. It’s time to change our perception of lawyers. They are not the enemy of weight management, but a valuable ally in a healthy diet “.



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