Resurgence of whooping cough in France: vaccination of pregnant women strongly recommended to protect infants under 6 months

Resurgence of whooping cough in France: vaccination of pregnant women strongly recommended to protect infants under 6 months
Resurgence of whooping cough in France: vaccination of pregnant women strongly recommended to protect infants under 6 months

After an initial call for vigilance in April on the resurgence of whooping cough in Europe and France in the first quarter of 2024, Public Health France confirms the start of a new epidemic cycle in the territory. While in the first quarter, a few regions reported grouped cases, the entire territory is now concerned with significant increases, all surveillance networks combined.

Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory bacterial disease, which can cause serious complications (pulmonary and neurological), particularly in infants under 6 months of age not yet protected by vaccination. This disease is transmitted through the air through contact with an infected subject, particularly through coughing, and spreads mainly within families or communities (nurseries, schools, medico-social establishments, professional environments, etc.). To date, there have been 17 deaths since the start of 2024.

The whooping cough vaccination strategy is based on compulsory vaccination since 2018 of children from 2 months of age, followed by booster vaccinations at 6 years, 11-13 years and 25 years. It is also strongly recommended that pregnant women be vaccinated, prioritizing the period from the 5th to the 8th month of pregnancy, in order to protect the infant until it is 6 months old.. This vaccination is essential given that, of the 17 deaths recorded to date in 2024, 12 concern infants aged 1 to 2 months who were not yet protected by vaccination.

Vaccination of pregnant women makes it possible, for infants less than 3 months old, to divide the risk of whooping cough by 4, halve the number of hospitalizations and reduce the number of deaths linked to whooping cough by 95%It is a very effective and safe vaccination, both for the pregnant woman and for her unborn child.

To know more :

_Resurgence_of_whooping_cough_in_France_vaccination_of_pregnant_women_strongly_recommended>_Download_the_press_release_in_PDF’])” class=”spip_in” type=”application/pdf”>Download the press release in PDF

Contact presse :

Health Crisis Center (CCS) / Information and Communication Delegation (DICOM)

Tel : 01 87 05 93 80

Email: _Resurgence_de_la_coqueluche_en_France_la_vaccination_des_femmes_femmes_fortement_recommandee>[email protected]’])” class=”spip_mail”>[email protected]



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