This warning sign can announce Alzheimer’s disease 9 years before, according to a study carried out on 30,000 people

This warning sign can announce Alzheimer’s disease 9 years before, according to a study carried out on 30,000 people
This warning sign can announce Alzheimer’s disease 9 years before, according to a study carried out on 30,000 people

A new study has linked increased frailty (defined as “the accumulation of multiple age-related health deficits and reduced physiological reserve”) and dementia, nine years before the official diagnosis. We recall that Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative pathology which mainly affects memory, but also other cognitive functions, linked for example to language, reasoning, learning, etc. This disease generally progresses towards a loss of autonomy. It is one of the leading causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide. Currently, there is no treatment to cure it.

“With four to five additional health problems, the risk of developing dementia is on average 40%”

Researchers from the University of Queensland looked at international data from more than 30,000 people from the US and UK over a 20-year period. Published in the journal Jama Neurologythe study reveals that physical frailty appears and accelerates during the nine years preceding the diagnosis of people with dementia. We speak of fragility in the face of a patient who becomes vulnerable, after involuntary weight loss, a drop in muscular strength, fatigue, slowness of walking or even great (…)

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