Scientists discover this fruit lowers cholesterol and improves heart health

Scientists discover this fruit lowers cholesterol and improves heart health
Scientists discover this fruit lowers cholesterol and improves heart health

What if there was one and the same fruit that, when consumed regularly, allowed you to fight against bad cholesterol and improve your heart health at the same time? Imagine that according to studies and the insight of nutrition experts, this fruit exists: it’s the apple, quite simply. At least that’s what an article in the Manchester Evening News reveals, which takes up scientific results and draws attention from nutritionist Eli Brecher.

Lower cholesterol level

In 2020, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studied the cholesterol levels of guinea pigs who were asked to eat two apples a day for eight weeks. The result ? Their bad cholesterol levels had dropped significantly over this period. At the same time, the impact of this dose of fruit via a juice was tested and did not demonstrate the same effectiveness, probably because of the reduction in the quantity of fiber in pressed fruit. “Apples are a nutrient-rich fruit, containing 10% of your daily value of vitamin C, as well as copper, vitamin K and vitamin E. An apple a day is a great habit for a healthy heart “, reacted Eli Brecher on this subject.

Better cardiovascular health

And this could be explained by a nutrient that apples contain: pectin. “It helps reduce cholesterol,” illustrates the nutritionist. He adds that there are also “polyphenols (…)

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