Etamine du Lys all-in-1 gel, the right dose for clean and durable dishes!

Etamine du Lys all-in-1 gel, the right dose for clean and durable dishes!
Etamine du Lys all-in-1 gel, the right dose for clean and durable dishes!

If you still think that between clean dishes and environmentally friendly products, you have to choose; if you have definitely given up on ecological detergents, tired of making a face when opening the dishwasher; If you are one of those who swear by washing products of natural origin but who prefer to rinse dirty plates before putting them in the dishwasher, prepare for a revolution in your kitchen: Etamine du Lys has just been released invent something to shake up your habits!

Etamine du Lys, a pioneering brand of sustainable cleanliness

From 1995Etamine du Lys manufactures, in the Maine and Loire, effective and natural household products. From linen care to dishes, floors, windows and even leather and wood care, the company, committed to an ethical and ecological approach, offers a wide range of products available in organic stores. Of the eco-designed productsfrom raw materials to packaging, for a clean, healthy home and source of well-being!

With 30 years of experience, the brand has just developed an all-in-1 dishwasher gel that will revolutionize tableware in more than one way.

A practical, 0-waste all-in-one gel

Forget powders, tablets and other rinse products, Etamine du Lys invents the very first all-in-1 dishwasher gel available in organic stores! In a single product, find the functions cleaning, rinsing And anti-limescale product at a time. A small bottle for great efficiency, a single gesture for clean dishes in the blink of an eye!

Has it ever occurred to you that it doesn’t make much sense to put the same amount of detergent in your dishwasher every cycle? Precisely, the all-in-1 Etamine du Lys gel adapts to your dishes! Major innovation: thanks to its gel formula, you can choose the right dose of product adapted to the capacity of your dishwasher, its filling level or the dirt on your plates. With this all-in-1 gel, you make a one more gesture for the planet but also for your wallet !

Available in bulk in organic stores, the bottle of this 3 in 1 product, made from recycled plastic, is also rechargeable for life! An additional argument which makes it an eco-designed product to definitely bring into your kitchen.

An all-in-1 gel for streak-free dishes

If you are tired of white marks on dishes, Etamine du Lys all-in-1 dishwasher gel is the natural solution to these unsightly stains. Recognized for its effectiveness on hard water, it is the guarantee of clean and shiny dishes in a single gesture and in the respect the environment.

Its liquid formula also allows you to take care of dishwashers since this gel does not leave no depositand definitely puts an end to undissolved tablets and poorly washed dishes! Nominated for the 2024 Healthy Home Trophies it is a product which has already attracted many users for its practicality, its easy dosage and its effectiveness.

An all-in-1 gel for natural effectiveness

The all-in-1 dishwasher gel also achieves the feat of combining efficiency and impeccable composition! With him, rewashing dishes is over! This washing product guarantees real natural effectiveness and without perfume. Complies with the specifications of eco-detergents certified by Ecocert, its composition is formulated without phosphate or phosphonate. Like all Etamine du Lys products, its composition is as close as possible to nature. Composed of 100% cleansing agents of plant origin, its main ingredients are upcycled active ingredients, from chicory root and some sugar beet . Effective from 45 degrees only thanks to a French washing agent efficiency booster from the upcycled wheat, this gel cruelty free And veganhas everything to seduce you. With Etamine du Lys all-in-1 dishwasher gel, you take care of your dishes and your wallet!



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