2,575 euros for the French Cardiology Federation

2,575 euros for the French Cardiology Federation
2,575 euros for the French Cardiology Federation

The Cœur en Réolais event organized by the Community of Communes of Réolais in South Gironde on May 5 in Loubens was a real success, bringing together…

The Cœur en Réolais event organized by the Community of Communes of Réolais in South Gironde on May 5 in Loubens was a real success, bringing together 450 participants for a day dedicated to walking and mountain biking through the surrounding countryside of the participating municipalities. This initiative aimed to support the French Cardiology Federation.

The generosity of participants and donors made it possible to raise the significant sum of 2,575 euros, which was presented during a moving ceremony by the president of the CDC, Francis Zaghet, to Laurence Hernandez. The latter, representing the beneficiaries of this action, expressed her gratitude by emphasizing that this financial contribution will offer the possibility of adding an additional hour of physical activity per week, a concrete and positive impact on the health and well-being of the community.

2025 edition in Fontet

The keys to the 2025 edition were symbolically handed over to Serge Poujardieu, mayor of Fontet, thus marking the continuity of this event and underlining the long-term commitment to cardiovascular health. This handover demonstrates the planning and organization of future editions, thus guaranteeing the sustainability of this community initiative.

The story of Cœur en Réolais is an inspiring example of local mobilization for a public health cause, highlighting the importance of promoting physical activity and general well-being within the community. This great initiative demonstrates how a small action can have a significant impact on the health and happiness of individuals, also strengthening social bonds and mutual support within the region. During this edition, a program was produced with all the actors of this day and broadcast on local radio REM.



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