A forum, in Douchy-les-Mines, on June 25, to talk about papillomavirus and detect

A forum, in Douchy-les-Mines, on June 25, to talk about papillomavirus and detect
A forum, in Douchy-les-Mines, on June 25, to talk about papillomavirus and detect

June is awareness month for cervical cancer screening, the period chosen by the professional territorial health community of Grand-Denain (CTPS) for an awareness action, on Tuesday June 25, at Douchy-les-Mines.

Screening and raising awareness about vaccination

After Denain in May and respiratory diseases, it was Douchy which was chosen, “ a municipality which is experiencing a delay in screening », comments Christel Esposito. The Bouchain pharmacist also knows that papillomavirus vaccination “ penalty “. An expensive vaccine but reimbursed and above all very effective against this type of cancer. A vaccine for girls and for boys too who can suffer “ cancer of the penis, anus or throat “.

Emphasis will also be placed on self-screening which can be done at home. The Oxabio laboratory will be on hand to explain how it happens. It will also be an opportunity to talk about condoms (male and female), the morning after pill and consensual sex, “ know how to say no “. The CPAM will take advantage of this to verify the rights of visitors and guide them through their screening process. Workshops will be organized in a fun way with “ questions and answers and quizzes “. And beauty products to win.

A diet snack

Two conferences, organized at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., will provide more information about prevention and treatments.

For this health meeting, the CTPS has joined forces with the Agora social center which will take care of “ to bring people. We rely on word of mouth “. So that mothers can take advantage of the stands and conference, a daycare is organized on site and a snack prepared by a dietician will be offered. The objective of this day is that visitors “ want to contact their doctor or pharmacist “.

At l’Imaginaire, in Douchy-les-Mines, Tuesday June 25, from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free.

In May, people come together to screen for respiratory diseases

In May, the CTPS of Grand-Denain, helped by several partners, organized a screening for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the Carrefour shopping mall. “ We had counted on 140 spirometries (breathing tests) and 180 were finally made », Reports Christel Esposito, pharmacist at Bouchain. And out of these 180 screenings, “ 45% of people needed pulmonological monitoring “. The Denain hospital had also reserved consultation slots for rapid treatment, “ the action took place on Friday and Tuesday, the first meetings were scheduled “. The pharmacist knows well that not all people who need to consult will do so, but they are informed and can already talk about it with their GP if they have one.



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