Two infants die from whooping cough: Montpellier University Hospital calls on pregnant women to be vaccinated

Two infants die from whooping cough: Montpellier University Hospital calls on pregnant women to be vaccinated
Two infants die from whooping cough: Montpellier University Hospital calls on pregnant women to be vaccinated

Whooping cough has made a comeback in recent months, and two infants under three months have died from a malignant form. Professor Eric Jeziorski, head of the pediatric post-emergency emergency department at Montpellier University Hospital, recalls the importance of the vaccine during pregnancy

Professor Eric Jeziorski is head of the pediatric post-emergency emergency department at Montpellier University Hospital.

Professor Eric Jeziorski.

What have you observed over the past few months?

Since the end of 2023, we have been facing many cases of whooping cough, around ten times more than usual. You have to go back to the 90s to see so many cases! This pathology is usually uncommon, but there are cycles.

What is this increase in cases due to?

During the Covid crisis, lockdowns led to a drop in overall immunity. There is what is called an “immune debt” in the population. In 2022, a very strong epidemic had already surprised us with its scale. Whooping cough is one of the most transmissible diseases, even more so than measles, for example. And as it was its first circulation since Covid…

How does the disease manifest?

By very irritating hacking coughs, which last several days and must be diagnosed. If there is difficulty breathing or discomfort, hospitalization for a few days may be necessary, with oxygen breathing if necessary. The CHU’s pediatric emergencies are the only ones to care for patients suffering from severe forms of the disease.

How to explain the death of two babies in Montpellier?

These infants less than three months old suffered from a malignant form of whooping cough. These are severe forms of the disease which can affect very young children. They are often poorly protected, because the first vaccination is at the age of two months, and the booster at four months. And since it takes a month after the vaccine for it to be effective…

What is the solution to mitigate the effects of the disease?

Pregnant women should get vaccinated during pregnancy to protect their babies. It is the best means of prevention against whooping cough. Unfortunately, only 10 to 30% of them are in France. Fifteen years ago, there were many contraindications during pregnancy. But studies have shown that there is no impact on pregnancy. We need to change the paradigm. In England, 90% of pregnant women are vaccinated, which leads to a very strong reduction in serious forms of the disease.

“Several cases of whooping cough this year”

Is the malignant form of whooping cough common?

No, usually we only have one case every two to five years at the University Hospital. There, we have already had several this year.

How can we prevent contamination?

Many people who are infected are unaware that they are infected. However, a sick person can contaminate everyone around them. Hence the importance of getting vaccinated, especially if there is an infant around you. Immunity is five years following a vaccine and ten years for someone who has been ill.

Is whooping cough comparable to bronchiolitis, which also affects the respiratory tract?

No, whooping cough will not experience a sudden peak and congest our services, like bronchiolitis. This disease is certainly very contagious and also affects children, but it is often benign.



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