Young people and drugs

Young people and drugs
Young people and drugs

Young people resort to self-medication more than the rest of the population. Dr Gérald Kierzek reminds us that this is a practice to be adopted with caution.

The use of self-medication is particularly widespread among younger people. More than 4 in 10 young people (42%) regularly buy medicines without a prescription, this is significantly more than the rest of French people (35%), according to a recent Ifop study for Biogaran.

Self-medication products meet the needs of a busy and pragmatic generation particularly well, as Dr Gérald Kierzek reminds us.

It is mainly various pains that motivate the purchase of medicines without a prescription, mentioned by more than 9 out of 10 consumers. Furthermore, many of the symptoms at the origin of the purchase also affect mental health.

However, this practice should be adopted with caution.

What are the recommendations for practicing self-medication safely?

Self-medication is a common practice, but it must be done with caution. Here are **five essential rules** for properly practicing self-medication:

1. Treat a Benign Disorder, in a Limited Time;

2. Only One Substance at a Time;

3. Read the Instructions carefully;

4. Inform Your Doctor;

5. Avoid Alcohol.

Always consult a healthcare professional if in doubt or if symptoms persist.



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