Here is the harmful and unsuspected effect of television on your body

Watching television for long hours can have a detrimental effect on our health.

What are the harmful effects of television?

According to a recent JAMA Network study, this habit contributes to a sedentary lifestyle, which can lead to worse health.

To reach this conclusion, a study followed 45,000 people aged 50 and over over a period of 20 years, comparing their lifestyle and state of health. The results are clear: those who prioritize physical activity (even light ones, such as walking at home) and give importance to their sleep, rather than spending time in front of the television, age in better health.


Indeed, those who prioritize physical activity and sleep have a better chance of reaching at least the age of 70 without chronic illness, memory problems, or physical or mental impairment. Opting for two hours of television rather than physical activity or good sleep represents a 12% risk of aging poorly. On the other hand, adding two hours of moderate physical activity per day increases the chances of aging well by 6%.

“What we must remember is that replacing the time spent in front of the television with physical activity, moderate or significant, or prolonged sleep (especially for those who suffer from sleep disorders), is beneficial for aging well,” assures Doctor Molin Wang, main author of the study.

This study underlines the importance of “aging well” in a world where the proportion of people over 65 will increase from 8.5% this year to 20% in 2050. Currently, it is estimated that only 10% to 35% of the population is aging healthily.

Why you should stop eating in front of the TV



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