Covid-19 back for the summer, in the middle of the Olympic Games? : News

Covid-19 back for the summer, in the middle of the Olympic Games? : News
Covid-19 back for the summer, in the middle of the Olympic Games? : News

An increase in consultations and hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 could occur during the Olympic Games this summer, alert Public Health France.

In mid-June, epidemiologists as well as the national Public Health France agency are warning against the return of Covid-19. If the virus had been forgotten for some time, it is back. In any case, this is what health professionals agree to say. Acts for suspected Covid-19 are up 51%, from 995 to 1,507 acts, indicates the French Public Health agency in its report published Wednesday June 12 and relayed by on Friday.

The report also indicates that all age groups are affected, particularly among those over 75 years old, with an increase of 85%, and among those under 2 years old with an increase of 140%.

A new wave to expect?

Faced with the return of this virus which caused panic and confinement at the height of the epidemic, the risk of a new wave could loom, particularly in the run-up to the Olympic Games this summer in Paris. Questioned on this subject by, Antoine Flahault, epidemiologist and director of the Institute of Global Health at the University of Geneva, fears this scenario but tempers it.

“We have no evidence today to fear a particularly severe wave of Covid this summer, but it is entirely possible that a fairly strong wave of contaminations will occur in France, concomitantly with the period of the Olympic Games”he warns.

In terms of scale, the epidemiologist indicates that this “new wave” could be similar to that of last summer.

published on June 14 at 7:45 p.m., Arnaud Enjourbault




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