the number of weekly cases down for 6 weeks

the number of weekly cases down for 6 weeks
the number of weekly cases down for 6 weeks

This Friday, June 14, 2024, Public Health France published the regional epidemiological update for week 23 (from June 3 to 9, 2024). For 6 weeks, the number of weekly cases of leptospirosis has been decreasing. The number of dengue cases is also decreasing, where the south remains mainly affected. Consultations for acute respiratory infection in emergency departments are increasing moderately. We publish below the press release from Public Health France (Photo: Sly/

Since January 1, 2024, 235 cases of indigenous leptospirosis have been reported to the ARS, i.e. 4 more cases than the previous week. The number of cases occurring since the start of the year is higher than the maximum annual number of cases declared since the start of surveillance, i.e. in 2022 with 169 annual cases.

Men represented 94% of cases, with a median age of 56 years (min=14; max=86). The 14 female cases had a median age of 43 years (min=13; max=74).
More than half of the cases resided in the south of the island (56% with 131 cases); for 20% in the West with 47 cases and in 19% in the East (with 43 cases).
The North was the least impacted sector with only 13 cases.
The rate of hospitalization for all services, as well as the rate of hospitalization in critical care units, remained stable (respectively 66% and 26%).
Three deaths have been reported since the start of the year.

For 5 weeks, the activity of emergency services for suspected leptospirosis was less than 5 visits per week.
In W23, 2 passages followed by 2 hospitalizations were identified.

– Dengue –

Since the start of the year, 1,116 cases of dengue have been reported. With 47 cases in S22 compared to 81 in S21, the winter decline seems well and truly underway. However, the circulation remains higher than that observed the same week in 2022 and 2023.

The share of cases reported in St Joseph is increasing again, thanks to an almost exclusive concentration of cases in the south. Only 5 cases have been identified outside the southern sector: 4 in the west and 1 in the east.

Traffic concerns 10 municipalities (decreasing), most located in the south.

The circulating serotype is always DENV2.

The health impact remains low to date with 162 visits to the emergency room (mostly South University Hospital) for syndrome compatible with dengue fever since the start of the year, including 15 in S21 and 8 in S22. The hospital impact also remains low with 72 hospitalizations since the start of the year, including 12 in H18. Since the start of the year, 4 deaths directly linked to dengue have been reported.

Since the start of the year, 36 imported cases have been reported returning from travel – mainly returning from Mauritius and Rodrigues but also a few cases returning from the Antilles or Comoros.

– Flu syndrome –

In W23, visits to the emergency room due to influenza-like illness increased moderately. The emergency department recorded 17 visits for reasons of influenza syndrome in S23 compared to 14 the previous week. The number of hospitalizations for influenza-like illness was increasing with 7 hospitalizations reported in W23 versus only 1 in W22. The share of emergency activity for influenza reasons represented less than 1% of total activity.

Virological surveillance identified in W23 an exclusive circulation of influenza type A(H1N1)pdm09. The positivity rate represented 7% of positive tests for influenza viruses in S23.

In community medicine, the share of activity of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) increased with 4.3% of total activity versus 2.8% of total activity in H22. The share of activity for IRA was in H23 above the 2013-2023 average.

– Bronchiolitis –

Visits to the emergency room for bronchiolitis in children under 2 years of age decreased in week 23 compared to the previous week. In W23, 18 children aged under 2 years consulted the emergency room for bronchiolitis versus 30 in W22.

New hospitalizations were stable (n=7) compared to the previous week (n=9).

The share of visits to the emergency room for bronchiolitis among all visits for children under two years old fell from 11.5% in S22 to 6.4% for S23.

Concerning virological surveillance (data not updated since S22), the positivity rate for RSV among those under two years of age was 11% in S23 with only RSV type A circulating.

– Gastroenteritis –

In W23, visits to emergency departments of all ages for reasons of gastroenteritis were increasing. The number of visits to the emergency room was 82 in W23 versus 74 in W22. The number of hospitalizations was stable with 9 hospitalizations in W23 compared to 10 hospitalizations in W22.

In children under 5 years of age, visits to the emergency room for reasons of gastroenteritis increased moderately in W23 (n=48) compared to the previous week (n=44). Hospitalizations after a visit to the emergency room remained stable with 4 hospitalizations in W23.

In W23, the share of emergency activity among those under 5 years old for gastroenteritis remained stable compared to the previous week (10.6% in W23 vs 10.2% in W22).

– Flu –

In W23, visits to the emergency room due to influenza-like illness increased moderately. The emergency department recorded 17 visits for reasons of influenza syndrome in S23 compared to 14 the previous week. The number of hospitalizations for influenza-like illness was increasing with 7 hospitalizations reported in W23 versus only 1 in W22. The share of emergency activity for influenza reasons represented less than 1% of total activity.

Virological surveillance identified in W23 an exclusive circulation of influenza type A(H1N1)pdm09. The positivity rate represented 7% of positive tests for influenza viruses in S23.

In community medicine, the share of activity of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) increased with 4.3% of total activity versus 2.8% of total activity in H22. The share of activity for IRA was in H23 above the 2013-2023 average.

– Covid –

In W23, 5 patients consulted the emergency room due to COVID-19 versus 3 patients the previous week. Two new hospitalizations due to COVID-19 were recorded in W23 and in W22.

– Mortality from all causes –

In S21, the number of deaths observed for all ages and all causes was 120 people.
Compared to the previous week, the number of deaths observed was stable (n=119 in S20). The number of deaths observed in W21 was higher but not significant than the expected number of deaths (n=110).

Among those over 65, in S21, 96 deaths were observed vs. 83 expected deaths. This figure was up compared to what was observed in H20 (87 deaths observed).

News from Reunion, Health



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