These anti-UV protections should not be used if you are expecting a happy event

These anti-UV protections should not be used if you are expecting a happy event
These anti-UV protections should not be used if you are expecting a happy event

At the slightest exposure, when pregnant, sunscreen remains essential to protect the skin from UV damage. And for good reason ! Hormonal fluctuations linked to pregnancy have a direct impact on the production of melanin (pigment responsible for skin color). The risks of melasma are then greater: you are, in fact, more likely to present the famous mask of pregnancy. It results in pigment spots mainly present on the cheeks, forehead, temples, and even the mustache. Hence the interest in limiting your exposure as much as possible. The golden tan will have to wait a bit!

Oils and creams without filters are NO!

Repeated sunburns and intensive exposure to the sun increase the risk of skin cancer. And even more so when you are not protected! This is why oils without protection, such as tanning oil, dry oil, coconut oil, etc. and sun creams without UV index or with a low index (less than 50), should be banned. As a future mother, no debate, you must equip yourself with an SPF 50, or 50+ cream. So, no more time to waste, go to the pharmacy or supermarket to equip yourself with an SPF 50 sunscreen, and with the words or logo “pregnant woman” ! But first, read this article to the end…

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Endocrine disruptors in protection: beware of composition!

When in store, keep your eyes peeled and look at the labels of anti-UV products. The ingredients of a sunscreen for pregnant women must have been subjected to a study for impaired fertility, fetal development, and fetal malformation. To avoid taking any risks, opt for sunscreen bearing the pregnancy label or logo.

You don’t have one at hand or can’t spot this indication? Read the composition: if it is registered benzophenone-3, homosalate, octylmethoxycinnamate and/or octyl-dymethyl PABA, definitely don’t use it! These UV filters are considered endocrine disruptors, which can be dangerous for your health and that of the little one in your womb. They should not be neglected, endocrine disruptors have a real impact on pregnancy.

Finally, if you plan to spend the day outside, be careful! Every 2 hours or after each swim, reapply protection all over your body. And for fans of sea bathing or going back and forth in the pool, opt for references bearing the waterproof mention. They guarantee that the product still contains at least 50% UV protection after two 20-minute baths. Don’t forget the parasol, sunglasses and hat!

Did you know ?

Pregnant, pregnant sunburn is not trivial. If the latter proves severe, it can lead to inflammation and an increase in body temperature, causing severe dehydration. Also remember to hydrate yourself well throughout the day! And be even more careful about sunburn in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Too high a rise in the mother’s body temperature can cause congenital malformations or growth problems in the fetus.

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3 reasons not to do UV while pregnant



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