Vegetable or dairy, here is the best yogurt for our health, according to a study

Researchers in Massachusetts analyzed several types of yogurt and determined which is the healthiest.

To be healthy, experts recommend having a varied and balanced diet. Sometimes we neglect our consumption of dairy products. However, they are very important, providing calcium, essential for the strength of our bones. It is therefore advisable to eat 2 dairy products per day, while moderating your consumption of fatty and salty products. As you age, it is advisable to increase your consumption of dairy products. Yogurt is then considered as such, but which one is best for your health? Dairy or vegetable? Researchers conducted a study to determine this.

A study to determine the best type of yogurt for our health

As reported Doctissimo, researchers from the University of Massachusetts sought to understand what is the best type of yogurt for our health. To do this, they analyzed 612 types of yogurt, inspecting their nutritional qualities and their compositions. “Among the types of products examined were full-fat dairy products, low-fat dairy products, yogurts made from coconut, almonds, cashews and even oats”, specify our colleagues. Let’s remember that there are many varieties of yogurt today, and that skyr is one of the protein alternatives.

They therefore compared dairy yogurts and plant-based yogurts. “This allowed us to compare the nutritional density of yogurts based on nutrients to promote (protein, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin D) and nutrients to limit (saturated fats, total sugars, sodium)”indicate the researchers.

What is the healthiest type of yogurt?

According to scientists, the best yogurt for our health is among plant-based yogurts: those made from almond milk. Indeed, according to them, almond milk is known to be the least caloric, which also applies to products made with it. As they show in their study, yogurts made from almond milk are very complete. “Compared to dairy yogurts, plant-based yogurts contain significantly less total sugar, less sodium and more fiber”, write the researchers. They are also easier to digest than those made from cow’s milk.

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However, it should be noted that almond milk yogurts are not the richest in protein. You must therefore consume other products that contain it if you want to have a sufficient intake. Although almond milk yogurt is excellent for your health in many ways, it is important to vary your diet so that it is as complete as possible.



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