Consuming peanuts very early protects against the risk of allergies

Consuming peanuts very early protects against the risk of allergies
Consuming peanuts very early protects against the risk of allergies

Introducing peanuts to children from 4 months to 5 years of age can drastically reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy in the long term. This is what a study by researchers at Kings College London demonstrates. New results prove increased protection even in adolescence.

Introducing peanuts regularly and from a young age into the diet can prevent the development of a peanut allergy. The study by Gideon Lack and George Du Toit, from Kings College London, targeted a large population at risk, i.e. more than 600 children likely to develop the allergy.

For the initial study, started 15 years ago, half of the participants had to regularly consume peanuts, from 4 months to 5 years, while the others had to avoid them. Result: the group of children who introduced peanuts into their diet saw their risk of developing an allergy to these products reduced by 81%.

Long-term protection

Professor Gideon Lack explains: “We then asked them to completely avoid peanuts between the ages of 5 and 6 and then we compared the allergy rate again, and we found that it was almost identical” with 71% of lower risk in adolescence.

The prevalence of peanut allergies is 2% among children in North America, the United Kingdom and Western Europe including Switzerland. This news is a game changer on the introduction of allergenic foods. “For a long time we said “avoid peanuts” and in fact the later we are exposed, the more we increase the risk of allergy. So now we say ‘when you are ready to introduce the food, introduce it and give it regularly’,” explains Professor Philippe Eigenmann, associate physician in the pediatric allergology unit.

Fight allergies

Specialists now believe that the same protection could be demonstrated with eggs, but nothing has yet been scientifically proven, nor for other foods. The study on peanuts remains new.

“We know that tolerance, when we stop being exposed, is often lost. So it’s rather reassuring to know that after 4 years of regular peanut consumption, it protects in the long term” rejoices Philippe Eigenmann. “Here we have a simple strategy, which does not cost and requires few resources, which will prevent 80% of cases! So my hope is to be able to almost eliminate this allergy” adds Gideon Lack.

No more fears about the early introduction of peanuts. It is obviously recommended for young people to consume them in the form of paste or mixed with other foods to avoid the risk of choking.



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