Bringing comfort through cooking: workshops organized for people with cancer

Bringing comfort through cooking: workshops organized for people with cancer
Bringing comfort through cooking: workshops organized for people with cancer

Enjoy a good meal, adapt your diet and treat yourself despite illness. This is the principle of the workshops offered by the French-speaking Cancer Society of the Indian Ocean and chef Claude Frémy. A meeting in a privileged green setting outside the medical context.

Utensil in one hand and vegetable in the other, people with cancer and their loved ones prepare a delicious meal. On the menu, a tasty meal, but simple to prepare.

For Jacqueline, who has suffered from colon cancer for 4 years, these appointments are precious. “It allows me to see other people and take my mind off things. Then I’m happy to learn the cooking that suits me because I can’t chew anymore“For her sister, these workshops are a relief.”My sister meets people here, she chats, there are exchanges, it brings a good social side and a psychological benefit” explains Yvette.

In the heart of the pretty Jardin de Cocagne in Saint-Bernard à La Montagne, chef Claude Frémy is very involved in these meetings. “It really changed something in my career as a culinary trainer. I have trained a lot of people for a very long time, but these culinary workshops for sick people enrich me to an incredible extent.” the chef reveals.



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