The amazing secret powers of our muscles

The amazing secret powers of our muscles
The amazing secret powers of our muscles

Lhe human body has 640 muscles but this number is not really definitive because scientists are still discovering new ones. For the second year, the AFM-Téléthon and the Institute of Myology are organizing Muscle Week from 1er as of June 7, 2024, labeled major national cause 2024.

Walking, hearing, seeing, carrying, nothing would be possible without muscles. There are several types of muscles: the striated ones which cover our skeleton, the smooth ones which cover the hollow organs and the viscera as well as the cardiac one which has unique properties. We commonly speak of white muscles and red muscles depending on their myoglobin concentration. “Muscles represent half of the body’s mass. They are important for mobility but not only that. All body functions rely on muscles. Likewise, all the senses go through muscles,” explains Serge Braun, scientific director of the AFM-Téléthon.

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All muscles are essential but they are also very different. The smallest in the human body measures 2 millimeters, this is the stapedius located in the ear which is associated with the ossicles and reacts to sound vibrations. If hearing comes through a muscle, so does sight. Indeed, it is possible to see thanks to the presence of the iris. Another major muscle: the sartorius. Installed in the “S” shaped thigh ita […] Read more



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